Let's Talk ! ... Bavardons !
(too old to reply)
2006-05-20 20:09:37 UTC

Rejoignez-nous! Come Join Us!


Let's Talk ! ... Bavardons !

[Message bilingue ~ Bilingual message]

French <^ojo^> English


Members <> 700-plus / Membres <> plus de 700



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2006-05-20 20:47:44 UTC
Pat O'Beur
2006-05-20 22:11:24 UTC
Hi, but what did you do with the other 97%? ;)
In a Free World, who needs gates, windows and passports ?
The more Windows products you buy the higher your Bill Gets.
Linux, it just works
2006-05-20 22:33:37 UTC
Post by Pat O'Beur
Hi, but what did you do with the other 97%? ;)
In a Free World, who needs gates, windows and passports ?
The more Windows products you buy the higher your Bill Gets.
Linux, it just works
shot it up my arm
2006-05-21 07:39:19 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Rejoignez-nous! Come Join Us!
Let's Talk ! ... Bavardons !
[Message bilingue ~ Bilingual message]
French <^ojo^> English
Members <> 700-plus / Membres <> plus de 700
After joining, please send your own brief intro statement to
the group (name, job, studies, interests, ambitions)...as you wish.
Après vous être inscrit, envoyez au groupe quelques mots sur
vous (nom, boulot, études, passe-temps, ambitions)...comme vous
Communiquons par tous les moyens !
Let's communicate by all possible ways & means !
Yahoo, MSN, SKYPE, Google Talk, AOL, WebCam, Telephonie, etc.
Invite fellow group members to talk LIVE
Invitez d'autres membres à discuter EN DIRECT
Vous trouverez les présentations que d'autres membres de
Bienvenue !
Welcome !
I feel that at alt.france, this is exactly what we are trying to do.
What would be the advantage of joining your group, which is quite
inactive with less than an average of 4 messages a day! ?????
2006-05-23 19:23:08 UTC
bonjour a tous
<***@gmail.com> a écrit dans le message de news:

Rejoignez-nous! Come Join Us!


Let's Talk ! ... Bavardons !

[Message bilingue ~ Bilingual message]

French <^ojo^> English


Members <> 700-plus / Membres <> plus de 700



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the group (name, job, studies, interests, ambitions)...as you wish.

Après vous être inscrit, envoyez au groupe quelques mots sur
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Communiquons par tous les moyens !

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Bienvenue !

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2006-05-23 19:29:05 UTC
<***@gmail.com> a écrit dans le message de news:

Rejoignez-nous! Come Join Us!


Let's Talk ! ... Bavardons !

[Message bilingue ~ Bilingual message]

French <^ojo^> English


Members <> 700-plus / Membres <> plus de 700



S'inscrire sur - Join here:


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the group (name, job, studies, interests, ambitions)...as you wish.

Après vous être inscrit, envoyez au groupe quelques mots sur
vous (nom, boulot, études, passe-temps, ambitions)...comme vous


Communiquons par tous les moyens !

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Bienvenue !

Welcome !
2006-05-23 20:40:39 UTC
kanox wrote: some rubbish.

Here some jokes:

Why are the streets in Hollywood so clean?
Because they put all the garbage on television.

Beverley Hills?
That's where they watch "Dynasty" to see how the poor people

* Q: How does an Argentinian commit suicide?
A: He jumps off his ego.
Bad Times in Buenos Aires

* Q: How do you tell, as you're driving towards Holland, that
you've crossed the border?
A: You see the toilet paper hanging out to dry on the washing

Never ask an English person where he's from. If he's from Yorkshire,
he'll tell you; if he's from anywhere else, it's unfair to embarrass

Tourist to small boy: Does it ever stop raining in Scotland?
Small boy : I don't know, I'm only 13.

Student 1: My intro to Edinburgh was icily horizontal sleet backed up
by a force 9 gale. I kid you not.
Student 2: Oh? You came in summer, then?

Traditionally, the inhabitants of the area around Sofia, the
Shops, have a reputation for a species of stupid cunning...

There are two Shop policemen on duty in Sofia, when they're
approached by a tourist. He asks a question in English, obviously
looking for help. They don't understand him, so he tries again in
French. Still no better. He tries once more in German, and, getting no
response, finally gives up and goes away.

"I think we should learn a foreign language, don't you?", says
one policeman. "It might be useful". "I don't see why", says the other.
"That tourist knew several, and it didn't help him".

Chinese to European: You are not us clever as us. We discovered
gunpowder and used it for fireworks. You used it in guns.
We discovered ships and long-distance navigation, and gave it up.
You used it to create America.

Did you know the Belgian Ministry of Transport has introduced a
new sign?
It reads "End of Roundabout".

What sign do they put on the bottom of Belgian swimming pools?
"No smoking".

A farmer is working near his farmhouse when he sees, a few fields
away, a distant figure leaning over towards the horsetrough. He shouts
out [the Dutch for] "Don't drink that water! It's full of pesticide!".
The figure shouts back "Ich verstehe nicht! Was sagen Sie?". So he cups
his hands to his mouth and shouts at the top of his voice "BEIDE

God decides to visit the Earth to see what men think of his
creation. So he comes down to the surface and starts his travels in
England. He comes to a farmer working in the fields.
- "Mr Farmer, Mr Farmer. What do you think of this land that I
have made for thee? Are you happy with it?"

"Well, it's very scenic. I like the lakes, and the rivers, and
the swamps, and the mountains. But, you know, there is not enough
space. All the land is lakes, and rivers, and swamps, and mountains,
and there is no room to grow anything."

"Hmmm, yes, I understand. Well, suppose I remove most of the
lakes, and the rivers, and the swamps, and the mountains. Would that
satisfy thee?".

"Yes, that would satisfy me." So God does, and the farmer walks
away happy. God continues his travels and comes to France, where he
meets a peasant, toiling in the vinyards.

"Mr Peasant, Mr Peasant, are you happy with this land that I have
made for thee? Are you happy with it?"

"Well, the climate is excellent, and the soil grows good grapes.
But, you know, my master doesn't care about that. All he wants to do is
to get the grapes to wine as quickly as possible. He doesn't care at
all about the quality of the wime."

"Hmmmm, yes, I see. Well, suppose I take away your master and
give you a new master? Would you then be happy?"

"Yes, that would satisfy me." So God does, and the peasant walks
away satisfied. God continues his travels, down through Italy, and
eventually comes to Greece, where he meets a farmer working in the

"Mr Farmer, Mr Farmer, what do you think of this land that I have
made for thee? Are you happy with it?".

"No, I am not happy?".

"But why not?"

"Look. This is my ox [points here], and this is my neighbour's ox
[points there]."

"But what is wrong?"

"Don't you see? Look! This is my ox [points here again], and this
is my neighbour's ox [points there again]. His ox is twice as big as my

"Hmmm, yes, I see. So suppose I made your ox as big as your
neighbour's ox. Would that satisfy you?"

"No, you don't understand."

"But why? If I make your ox as big as your neighbour's ox, you
will both be equal."

"No, you don't understand. I want you to KILL my neighbour's ox!"

Scene: The White House

Presidential Aide - Mr. Reagan!. Mr Reagan Sir!!! The Russians
have just landed on the Moon! And they've started to paint it red! What
shall we do?
Ronnie - Come back when they've finished, son.
P.A. [later] - Mr. Reagan Sir. The Russians have painted a
quarter of the moon red!
Ronnie - Don't worry about it, son. Tell me when they've
P.A. [still later]- Mr. Reagan Sir. The Russians have now painted
half the moon red! Aren't you going to do anything!
Ronnie - Nope, not yet.
P.A. [still later and even more anxious] - Mr. Reagan Sir. The
Russians have now painted THREE-QUARTERS of the moon red! Can we bomb
them, Sir! Please Sir!
Ronnie - [ as before ]
P.A. - Mr Reagan. They've painted the *WHOLE* moon red! Ronnie -
OK. Now call NASA, and tell them to get a rocket up there, with plenty
of white paint, and paint "Coca-Cola" across it.

This was in the time when Rusia was called Soviet Union:

Two guys meet on the street of Warsaw. One of them is very
excited. "Do you know the recent news?" asks the other guy. "No, what
news?" he responds. "Ruskie landed on the moon!" the first guy informs
with excitement. "All of them?" asks the second. "No of course not,
only three of them". "Then go to hell with such news!" responds the
second guy.
Andrzej Lewandowski

Ceaucescu, Bush and Gorbachev are travelling by ship to a
conference, when they're wrecked on a desert island. Everything is lost
in the disaster, they have no food, and so they decide to go their
separate ways and scour the island.

After three days, Bush still has found nothing to live on, and he
is desparate. As he comes to a clearing in the woods, he smells
cooking. Can it be...? He looks into the clearing, and sees Ceaucescu
stirring a big pot over a fire. "How can I persude him to give me some
of that?", he thinks. "I know! - he hates communists. So ..."

Bush ventures into the clearing and greets Ceaucescu. "I don't
like Gorbachev, do you?", he says. "Oh, that's a shame", says
Ceaucescu. "You won't want any of this stew then, will you?".

Doctor doctor, my pack hurts!
Hmm yes, you've slipped a disc.

Doctor doctor, I think I've got fleas!
Hmm yes, you shouldn't have mounted that scratch disc.

How many IBM CPUs does it take to do a logical shift right?
27. One to hold the bits, and 26 to push the register.

How many IBM CPUs does it take to execute a process?
5. Four to hold it down, and one to pull the trigger.

How do you know when an IBM salesman is lying?
When his mouth is moving.

There are two lions in the zoo. One says "You know, I am
completely fed up with being here. Tomorrow, I intend to make my
escape. The other says "I agree. I shall do the same". The following
day at feeding time, they overpower their keeper, leap out of the cage,
and run into the park outside the zoo. As they part, the first lion
calls "Let's meet in six months' time. We'll come back to this park,
and tell each other how we got on". Then they go their separate ways.

Six months later, as arranged, they meet. The first lion says
"Well, here we are. But say, what happened to you??? Your fur is
falling out, you've got a torn ear and scratches everywhere, you're
terribly thin - you look terrible". The second lion replies "When I
left the park, I ran towards the centre of town. There are a lot of
butchers' shops there, and I thought I'd easily be able to overpower
the staff and drag off a joints of meat. So I ran into one of the
shops, but the owner called the police, and they called the army, with
lots of men with nets and guns, and I only just got away. I managed to
hide in the woods outside town, and since then, I've been living a
miserable existence eating berries and the occasional rabbit when I can
catch it, and I think it would be better to go back to the zoo. But
say, you look as though you're OK. Youre fur is sleek and glossy,
you're well-fed - what happened?

And the first lion says "You know there's an science park over at
the other side of town. It's full of bushes and shrubs, and I decided
to run over there and use it as my hideout. Well, there's an IBM
software office there. So I've been hiding out in the bushes, and I
just eat an IBM manager each day. It's great. There's an endless
supply, and no-one notices when one's gone.

Q: What's equivalent to the Axiom of Choice and jumps off cliffs?
A: Zorn's lemming.

Q: Why does eleven fear seven?
A: Because seven ate nine ten.

Everything can be expressed in first order logic, even irony.

Q: How many commutative groups are there?
A: A billion ("Abelian").

A Chemist, Physicist, and Economist are shipwrecked. They swim
for days, and eventually come to a desert island, just as they're about
to die of starvation. The island has lots of edible animals, but our
team lack the energy to catch them; all they've managed to salvage from
the wreck is a can of beans, and not even a tin-opener.

Physicist : I know, we'll build a fire under the tin. When the
sauce inside boils, the tin will explode. I'll calculate how hot the
fire has to be.
Chemist : OK. And I'll work out how much wood we need.
Physicist : And I'll calculate the trajectory of the beans as
they spurt out of the tin, so we can catch them.
Economist : You two do make things complicated. Why not just
assume you have a tin-opener?

In economics exams, the questions are the same, but the answers
change each year.

Economists of the world unite - you have nothing to lose but your

When economists are working in the Bod in the morning, why don't
they [the men, of course] scratch their balls?
Because then they'd have nothing to do in the afternoon.

An economist is a man who takes long strides to save his $20
shoes, and splits his $50 trousers.

To prove that all prime numbers are odd...

Mathematician: 3's prime; 5's prime; 7's prime. Therefore, by
induction, all prime numbers are odd.
Chemist: 3's prime; 5's prime; 7's prime; 11's prime; ... 9's not
prime - ah well, experimental error. Therefore, all prime numbers are
Economist: 3's prime; 5's prime; 7's prime; 9's prime; 11's
prime; ... ...

How can you distinguish a mathematician from a physicist?

1. Give them each a kettle-full of cold water, and ask them to
make a cup of tea. They will both boil the water, pour it into the
tea-pot, and brew the tea.

2. Now, give them each a kettle-full of *hot* water. The
physicist will pour it into the tea-pot, and so on as before. The
mathematician will empty the kettle down the sink, and fill it with
cold water, thus reducing the problem to one which he's already solved.

Two physicists were lost in the sky, riding in a hot-air balloon.
They drifted over a valley and saw someone below. "Let's ask him where
we are," the first physicist said. So he shouted down: "WHERE AAAARE
WE?" There was a long pause, after which the man shouted back:
"YOUUU'RE IN A BALLOOON." "Obviously a mathematician," the second
physicist said. "Why do you say that?" "Well, he took a long time to
answer; his answer was completely correct; and, it was utterly

A physicist, an engineer, and a mathematician were going to a
seminar. They all bought train tickets, and were assigned adjacent
cabins on the train. All three were heavy smokers, and as they were
dropping off to sleep they all set their bedclothes on fire.

The engineer ran to the tap in his cabin and started flinging
water all over the place. Eventually enough got onto the bed to put the
fire out. His baggage and bed were soaked, but the fire was out. He
went back to sleep, perfectly satisfied.

The physicist went to his desk, sat down, and spent a few minutes
calculating the exact amount of water necessary to put out the fire. Of
course the fire had grown by this time and spread to his baggage, but
he allowed for that in his calculations. He then put the fire out with
a minimum expenditure of water, and went back to sleep, perfectly

The mathematician sat and looked at the fire for a few minutes,
then walked over to his tap. He lit a match and put it under the stream
of water. It went out. "Aha", he exclaimed, "a solution exists"... and
went back to sleep, perfectly satisfied.

A mathematician, an engineer, and a logician are travelling on a
train through Wales. They pass by a field with a black sheep in it.

Engineer - Ah! All sheep in Wales are black.
Mathematician - No. Some Welsh sheep are black.
Logician. - There is at least one sheep in Wales which is black
on at least one side.
[In some versions, Bertrand Russell is the logician.]

A Mathematician, a Biologist and an Engineer are sitting in a
street cafe watching people going in and coming out of the house on the
other side of the street. First they see two people going into the
house. Time passes. After a while they notice three persons coming out
of the house.

The Engineer: "The measurement wasn't accurate.?

The Biologists conclusion: "They have reproduced".

The Mathematician: "If now exactly 1 person enters the house then
it will be empty again."

Q: How do you get 10 random numbers?
A: Ask a historian to count to 6.

Everything can be expressed in first order logic, even irony.

Scenes from a Cabinet Dinner:

Waiter: Would you like to order now Madam?
Maggie: I'll have the steak please.
Waiter: How would you like it done?
Maggie: Rare. I want to see blood on it.
Waiter: And the vegetables?
Maggie: Oh, they'll have the same.
Spitting Image

How it really happened number 13:

Newton: [Groans]. My head doth ache, and I do tremble as though I
had an ague. If I ever catch the slippery-fingered soddish son of a
whore who let slip the chamber-pot as I walked through London today, I
shall whip him roundly to within an inch of his despicable life. I have
had to dodge the contents of such vessels on many times, but today,
'tis the first that I must dodge not only the contents, but the vessel
itself. And yet, if I had moved my head but a fraction more quickly,
the pot would have continued in its flight un-impeded. My head doth
ache... it is hard to think. But soft! I do scent the germ of an idea
Harry Harrison
2006-05-25 04:40:56 UTC
que veut dire "rubbish" merci
Post by Peace&JusticeForAll
kanox wrote: some rubbish.
Why are the streets in Hollywood so clean?
Because they put all the garbage on television.
Beverley Hills?
That's where they watch "Dynasty" to see how the poor people
* Q: How does an Argentinian commit suicide?
A: He jumps off his ego.
Bad Times in Buenos Aires
* Q: How do you tell, as you're driving towards Holland, that
you've crossed the border?
A: You see the toilet paper hanging out to dry on the washing
Never ask an English person where he's from. If he's from Yorkshire,
he'll tell you; if he's from anywhere else, it's unfair to embarrass
Tourist to small boy: Does it ever stop raining in Scotland?
Small boy : I don't know, I'm only 13.
Student 1: My intro to Edinburgh was icily horizontal sleet backed up
by a force 9 gale. I kid you not.
Student 2: Oh? You came in summer, then?
Traditionally, the inhabitants of the area around Sofia, the
Shops, have a reputation for a species of stupid cunning...
There are two Shop policemen on duty in Sofia, when they're
approached by a tourist. He asks a question in English, obviously
looking for help. They don't understand him, so he tries again in
French. Still no better. He tries once more in German, and, getting no
response, finally gives up and goes away.
"I think we should learn a foreign language, don't you?", says
one policeman. "It might be useful". "I don't see why", says the other.
"That tourist knew several, and it didn't help him".
Chinese to European: You are not us clever as us. We discovered
gunpowder and used it for fireworks. You used it in guns.
We discovered ships and long-distance navigation, and gave it up.
You used it to create America.
Did you know the Belgian Ministry of Transport has introduced a
new sign?
It reads "End of Roundabout".
What sign do they put on the bottom of Belgian swimming pools?
"No smoking".
A farmer is working near his farmhouse when he sees, a few fields
away, a distant figure leaning over towards the horsetrough. He shouts
out [the Dutch for] "Don't drink that water! It's full of pesticide!".
The figure shouts back "Ich verstehe nicht! Was sagen Sie?". So he cups
his hands to his mouth and shouts at the top of his voice "BEIDE
God decides to visit the Earth to see what men think of his
creation. So he comes down to the surface and starts his travels in
England. He comes to a farmer working in the fields.
- "Mr Farmer, Mr Farmer. What do you think of this land that I
have made for thee? Are you happy with it?"
"Well, it's very scenic. I like the lakes, and the rivers, and
the swamps, and the mountains. But, you know, there is not enough
space. All the land is lakes, and rivers, and swamps, and mountains,
and there is no room to grow anything."
"Hmmm, yes, I understand. Well, suppose I remove most of the
lakes, and the rivers, and the swamps, and the mountains. Would that
satisfy thee?".
"Yes, that would satisfy me." So God does, and the farmer walks
away happy. God continues his travels and comes to France, where he
meets a peasant, toiling in the vinyards.
"Mr Peasant, Mr Peasant, are you happy with this land that I have
made for thee? Are you happy with it?"
"Well, the climate is excellent, and the soil grows good grapes.
But, you know, my master doesn't care about that. All he wants to do is
to get the grapes to wine as quickly as possible. He doesn't care at
all about the quality of the wime."
"Hmmmm, yes, I see. Well, suppose I take away your master and
give you a new master? Would you then be happy?"
"Yes, that would satisfy me." So God does, and the peasant walks
away satisfied. God continues his travels, down through Italy, and
eventually comes to Greece, where he meets a farmer working in the
"Mr Farmer, Mr Farmer, what do you think of this land that I have
made for thee? Are you happy with it?".
"No, I am not happy?".
"But why not?"
"Look. This is my ox [points here], and this is my neighbour's ox
[points there]."
"But what is wrong?"
"Don't you see? Look! This is my ox [points here again], and this
is my neighbour's ox [points there again]. His ox is twice as big as my
"Hmmm, yes, I see. So suppose I made your ox as big as your
neighbour's ox. Would that satisfy you?"
"No, you don't understand."
"But why? If I make your ox as big as your neighbour's ox, you
will both be equal."
"No, you don't understand. I want you to KILL my neighbour's ox!"
Scene: The White House
Presidential Aide - Mr. Reagan!. Mr Reagan Sir!!! The Russians
have just landed on the Moon! And they've started to paint it red! What
shall we do?
Ronnie - Come back when they've finished, son.
P.A. [later] - Mr. Reagan Sir. The Russians have painted a
quarter of the moon red!
Ronnie - Don't worry about it, son. Tell me when they've
P.A. [still later]- Mr. Reagan Sir. The Russians have now painted
half the moon red! Aren't you going to do anything!
Ronnie - Nope, not yet.
P.A. [still later and even more anxious] - Mr. Reagan Sir. The
Russians have now painted THREE-QUARTERS of the moon red! Can we bomb
them, Sir! Please Sir!
Ronnie - [ as before ]
P.A. - Mr Reagan. They've painted the *WHOLE* moon red! Ronnie -
OK. Now call NASA, and tell them to get a rocket up there, with plenty
of white paint, and paint "Coca-Cola" across it.
Two guys meet on the street of Warsaw. One of them is very
excited. "Do you know the recent news?" asks the other guy. "No, what
news?" he responds. "Ruskie landed on the moon!" the first guy informs
with excitement. "All of them?" asks the second. "No of course not,
only three of them". "Then go to hell with such news!" responds the
second guy.
Andrzej Lewandowski
Ceaucescu, Bush and Gorbachev are travelling by ship to a
conference, when they're wrecked on a desert island. Everything is lost
in the disaster, they have no food, and so they decide to go their
separate ways and scour the island.
After three days, Bush still has found nothing to live on, and he
is desparate. As he comes to a clearing in the woods, he smells
cooking. Can it be...? He looks into the clearing, and sees Ceaucescu
stirring a big pot over a fire. "How can I persude him to give me some
of that?", he thinks. "I know! - he hates communists. So ..."
Bush ventures into the clearing and greets Ceaucescu. "I don't
like Gorbachev, do you?", he says. "Oh, that's a shame", says
Ceaucescu. "You won't want any of this stew then, will you?".
Doctor doctor, my pack hurts!
Hmm yes, you've slipped a disc.
Doctor doctor, I think I've got fleas!
Hmm yes, you shouldn't have mounted that scratch disc.
How many IBM CPUs does it take to do a logical shift right?
27. One to hold the bits, and 26 to push the register.
How many IBM CPUs does it take to execute a process?
5. Four to hold it down, and one to pull the trigger.
How do you know when an IBM salesman is lying?
When his mouth is moving.
There are two lions in the zoo. One says "You know, I am
completely fed up with being here. Tomorrow, I intend to make my
escape. The other says "I agree. I shall do the same". The following
day at feeding time, they overpower their keeper, leap out of the cage,
and run into the park outside the zoo. As they part, the first lion
calls "Let's meet in six months' time. We'll come back to this park,
and tell each other how we got on". Then they go their separate ways.
Six months later, as arranged, they meet. The first lion says
"Well, here we are. But say, what happened to you??? Your fur is
falling out, you've got a torn ear and scratches everywhere, you're
terribly thin - you look terrible". The second lion replies "When I
left the park, I ran towards the centre of town. There are a lot of
butchers' shops there, and I thought I'd easily be able to overpower
the staff and drag off a joints of meat. So I ran into one of the
shops, but the owner called the police, and they called the army, with
lots of men with nets and guns, and I only just got away. I managed to
hide in the woods outside town, and since then, I've been living a
miserable existence eating berries and the occasional rabbit when I can
catch it, and I think it would be better to go back to the zoo. But
say, you look as though you're OK. Youre fur is sleek and glossy,
you're well-fed - what happened?
And the first lion says "You know there's an science park over at
the other side of town. It's full of bushes and shrubs, and I decided
to run over there and use it as my hideout. Well, there's an IBM
software office there. So I've been hiding out in the bushes, and I
just eat an IBM manager each day. It's great. There's an endless
supply, and no-one notices when one's gone.
Q: What's equivalent to the Axiom of Choice and jumps off cliffs?
A: Zorn's lemming.
Q: Why does eleven fear seven?
A: Because seven ate nine ten.
Everything can be expressed in first order logic, even irony.
Q: How many commutative groups are there?
A: A billion ("Abelian").
A Chemist, Physicist, and Economist are shipwrecked. They swim
for days, and eventually come to a desert island, just as they're about
to die of starvation. The island has lots of edible animals, but our
team lack the energy to catch them; all they've managed to salvage from
the wreck is a can of beans, and not even a tin-opener.
Physicist : I know, we'll build a fire under the tin. When the
sauce inside boils, the tin will explode. I'll calculate how hot the
fire has to be.
Chemist : OK. And I'll work out how much wood we need.
Physicist : And I'll calculate the trajectory of the beans as
they spurt out of the tin, so we can catch them.
Economist : You two do make things complicated. Why not just
assume you have a tin-opener?
In economics exams, the questions are the same, but the answers
change each year.
Economists of the world unite - you have nothing to lose but your
When economists are working in the Bod in the morning, why don't
they [the men, of course] scratch their balls?
Because then they'd have nothing to do in the afternoon.
An economist is a man who takes long strides to save his $20
shoes, and splits his $50 trousers.
To prove that all prime numbers are odd...
Mathematician: 3's prime; 5's prime; 7's prime. Therefore, by
induction, all prime numbers are odd.
Chemist: 3's prime; 5's prime; 7's prime; 11's prime; ... 9's not
prime - ah well, experimental error. Therefore, all prime numbers are
Economist: 3's prime; 5's prime; 7's prime; 9's prime; 11's
prime; ... ...
How can you distinguish a mathematician from a physicist?
1. Give them each a kettle-full of cold water, and ask them to
make a cup of tea. They will both boil the water, pour it into the
tea-pot, and brew the tea.
2. Now, give them each a kettle-full of *hot* water. The
physicist will pour it into the tea-pot, and so on as before. The
mathematician will empty the kettle down the sink, and fill it with
cold water, thus reducing the problem to one which he's already solved.
Two physicists were lost in the sky, riding in a hot-air balloon.
They drifted over a valley and saw someone below. "Let's ask him where
we are," the first physicist said. So he shouted down: "WHERE AAAARE
"YOUUU'RE IN A BALLOOON." "Obviously a mathematician," the second
physicist said. "Why do you say that?" "Well, he took a long time to
answer; his answer was completely correct; and, it was utterly
A physicist, an engineer, and a mathematician were going to a
seminar. They all bought train tickets, and were assigned adjacent
cabins on the train. All three were heavy smokers, and as they were
dropping off to sleep they all set their bedclothes on fire.
The engineer ran to the tap in his cabin and started flinging
water all over the place. Eventually enough got onto the bed to put the
fire out. His baggage and bed were soaked, but the fire was out. He
went back to sleep, perfectly satisfied.
The physicist went to his desk, sat down, and spent a few minutes
calculating the exact amount of water necessary to put out the fire. Of
course the fire had grown by this time and spread to his baggage, but
he allowed for that in his calculations. He then put the fire out with
a minimum expenditure of water, and went back to sleep, perfectly
The mathematician sat and looked at the fire for a few minutes,
then walked over to his tap. He lit a match and put it under the stream
of water. It went out. "Aha", he exclaimed, "a solution exists"... and
went back to sleep, perfectly satisfied.
A mathematician, an engineer, and a logician are travelling on a
train through Wales. They pass by a field with a black sheep in it.
Engineer - Ah! All sheep in Wales are black.
Mathematician - No. Some Welsh sheep are black.
Logician. - There is at least one sheep in Wales which is black
on at least one side.
[In some versions, Bertrand Russell is the logician.]
A Mathematician, a Biologist and an Engineer are sitting in a
street cafe watching people going in and coming out of the house on the
other side of the street. First they see two people going into the
house. Time passes. After a while they notice three persons coming out
of the house.
The Engineer: "The measurement wasn't accurate.?
The Biologists conclusion: "They have reproduced".
The Mathematician: "If now exactly 1 person enters the house then
it will be empty again."
Q: How do you get 10 random numbers?
A: Ask a historian to count to 6.
Everything can be expressed in first order logic, even irony.
Waiter: Would you like to order now Madam?
Maggie: I'll have the steak please.
Waiter: How would you like it done?
Maggie: Rare. I want to see blood on it.
Waiter: And the vegetables?
Maggie: Oh, they'll have the same.
Spitting Image
Newton: [Groans]. My head doth ache, and I do tremble as though I
had an ague. If I ever catch the slippery-fingered soddish son of a
whore who let slip the chamber-pot as I walked through London today, I
shall whip him roundly to within an inch of his despicable life. I have
had to dodge the contents of such vessels on many times, but today,
'tis the first that I must dodge not only the contents, but the vessel
itself. And yet, if I had moved my head but a fraction more quickly,
the pot would have continued in its flight un-impeded. My head doth
ache... it is hard to think. But soft! I do scent the germ of an idea
Harry Harrison
2006-05-25 05:41:16 UTC
Post by kanox
que veut dire "rubbish" merci
2006-05-26 04:52:00 UTC
good morning
Post by Peace&JusticeForAll
Post by kanox
que veut dire "rubbish" merci
2006-06-05 10:23:26 UTC
Post by kanox
good morning
Post by Peace&JusticeForAll
Post by kanox
que veut dire "rubbish" merci
"- SORTON" @wanadoo.fr>
2006-06-28 15:33:07 UTC
Post by kanox
good morning
Post by Peace&JusticeForAll
Post by kanox
que veut dire "rubbish" merci
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